Magic in the Blood (Allie Beckstrom, Book 2)

Magic in the Blood - Devon Monk Magic in the Blood is a great continuation of the Allie Beckstrom series. I really enjoyed Allie's sarcastic sense of humor. Zayvion is one of the sweetest male lead's I've read in a long time. I REALLY get sick of the asshole hero after a while. I mean, alpha does not have to be synonymous with jerk. Serioulsy, authors (*sigh*) Monk shows how much Zayv cares for Allie through the little things, like when he leaves a rose on her breakfast table. Her descriptions of the emotion in his eyes, or the gestures of his hands. But other than the relationships, I really found the new found discovery of how the world works interesting. More specifically, how the magic works and what lies behind that magic. I was a little perturbed with Zayvion for not telling her the truth, even when she asks for it directly. I don't see a REAL reason for him to keep secrets from her. It seems unnecessary. I guess I'll find out in the next book whether he has an actual fucking reason for this. Overall, I couldn't tear my eyes away from this book (even though I'm bogged down in homework, dammit) despite the fact that it does have flaws.

The Forest of Hands and Teeth

The Forest of Hands and Teeth  - Carrie Ryan I read this many years ago, so I don't remember the minor details. But, I fell in love with Carrie's storytelling skills. She's very adept at writing a creepy tale, while also weaving gorgeous sentences together. When I read it, I remember being reminded a little of the Village. Except, I kinda prefer Carrie Ryan's tale. The Village was not very well written, whereas this book is. Eerily creepy.

The Spymaster's Lady

The Spymaster's Lady - Joanna Bourne Okay now I want to read more books about spies and the Napoleonic Wars. The setting intrigues me beyond belief. Different than most regency spy thrillers, the story takes place in both France and England. Not to mention, both the hero and the heroine are spies. I enjoyed this book more than I thought I would. The Spymaster's Lady was about trust, conspiracies, love, passion, and truth. I fell in love with the prose which I think bothered other readers. However, it made sense to me that Bourne wrote the prose the way she did because Annique is French. So, she's going to think like a Frenchwoman. Thus, the prose is going to be reminiscent of the French language and still be accessible to readers. While reading this book, I thought the author brought a new and innovative type of historical romance. I've never read one like it before now. I want more regency spy thrillers. Publishers, authors make. this. happen.

Dragon Bound (A Novel of the Elder Races)

Dragon Bound - Thea Harrison Incredibly engrossing and enjoyable. It reminded me a little of the BDB by J.R. Ward, but the world building was more consistent.

The Summer of You (Berkley Sensation)

The Summer of You - Kate Noble This could very possibly be one of my top ten favorite romances. The writing as well as the romance was truly beautiful. Every word Noble wrote was explicitly well-done.

Pushing the Limits (Harlequin Teen)

Pushing the Limits  - Katie McGarry Okay, I usually don't comment on a books. However, I haven't read such a good contemporary in so long. I usually dislike contemporary mainly because its just not what I'm interested in. Generally I'm a fantasy reader. Most likely a result of growing up with the Harry Potter books. This book is absolutely amazing. I loved that it wasn't about popularity or 'high school'. The characters are dealing with real life problems. Echo suffers from something really traumatic that happened in her past. Noah struggles with being a foster kid and the separation from his little brothers. They both understand that they have problems and are willing to try to fix that. They both want normal. Its an amazing story that well worth picking up. Again, sorry for my craptastic review.

Something Strange and Deadly (Something Strange and Deadly - Trilogy)

Something Strange and Deadly - Susan Dennard This book was good, but had its flaws. I picked this up because I wanted something fun, and I got that. While reading this, I was studying my ass off for finals. It turned out to be just what I needed. I loved the zombies and historical setting. I adored Daniel and his whacko inventions. Jie and Joseph were fun characters as well. As much as I enjoyed it, there seemed to be a lack of suspense of disbelief for me. I can't even really put my finger on it. I think it could be because the plot didn't always make sense to me. I didn't understand why the zombies existed in the first place. Why are necromancer's part of the world? I don't maybe it made sense to other people, but I started to become a little skeptical by the end. Despite its faults, I had great fun reading it.

No Good Duke Goes Unpunished: The Third Rule of Scoundrels

No Good Duke Goes Unpunished - Sarah MacLean A heroine with a spine, a pet pig named Lavender, and good punch. What could be better! I'm really impressed with how Maclean subtly planted the surprise behind Chase.

Halfway to the Grave (Night Huntress, Book 1)

Halfway to the Grave - Jeaniene Frost Wow. I really loved this book.I read this book quite a few years ago for a good summer read. It was my first romance and changed the way I looked romance. I thought romances were basically just bodice rippers and this book completely changed my opinion on the genre. Cat is an amazing protagonist, she's such a strong heroine. I think she gains more emotional confidence in herself until after she meets the hero, and I really loved how the hero is so supportive of the heroine.Not much to say because all in all Jeaniene Frost is my favorite romance author and that's all there is to it.

Currently reading

The Sword Dancer
Jeannie Lin
Transformation (Rai Kirah)
Carol Berg
Tempt Me at Twilight
Lisa Kleypas
Days of Blood & Starlight
Laini Taylor
Their Eyes Were Watching God
Zora Neale Hurston